Simulate a series of 100 observations

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131380437


1. Consider the MA(m)-process, with equal weights 1/(m+1) at all lags, given by

Xt = Σmk=01/(m+1) Zt k

(a) Find the ad of this process.

(b) When m = 1 use SAS to simulate a realization of this process.

2. Consider the following models where {Zt} is a Gaussian white noise.

Xt = -.98 Xt 1 + Zt

Xt = -.98Z-1 + Zt

Xt = .6 Xt-i - 1.2Zt-1 + Zt

Xt = Xt-1 + .8 Xt-2 - .5 Zt-1 + Zt

(a) Find the acf and plot it for k = 0,1, ....,10

(b) Simulate a series of 100 observations from each of the models with σz2 = 1 and plot the sample acf for k = 0,....20.

3. Express the models in Problem 2 using the B operator.

4. Suppose that (Xt) is a stationary process with autocovariance function γx. Express the autocovariance function of the difference filter of first order ∇Xt = Xt - Xt-1 in terms of γx. Find it when γx(k) = λ|k|.

5. Prove or disprove the following process is weakly stationary:

(a) Zt = A sin(2Πt + θ) where A is a constant, and θ is a random variable that is uniformly distributed on [0,2Π].

(b) Zt = A sin(2Πt + 0) where A is a random variable with zero mean and unit variance, and θ is a constant.

Reference no: EM131380437

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