Reference no: EM131740457
Lab Objective: To implement a Debouncing Circuit.
1. Create a project called Lab9.
2. Create one VHDL file named Debouncing.vhd.
3. Use Listing 5.6 as your starting point.
4. Simulate a bouncing switch, sw, and a debounced switch output, db.
5. Use a 1 microsecond clock in your simulation and a counter in your debouncing circuit that will wait approximately 16 [mS] in each wait state for a total of about 48 [mS].
6. You should get an output that looks like the following:

7. Demo this to the instructor.
8. Create a new VHDL file called debouncing_test.vhd, which you will implement in the Spartan 3E board.
9. This program will be used to test your debouncing circuit as follows. You need to create two 4-bit counters that count based on the following conditions:
• First counter: Counts with a push of the "south" button on the board. Note: This will be a non-debounced (i.e. noisy) counter. It may advance more than one count with every push.
• Second counter: Counts with a debounced version of the same push of the south button that advances the first counter. Note: You should instantiate your debouncing circuit to obtained the debounced version of the button push.
10. The first counter should be displayed in LEDs 0 to 3 in the board (i.e. LSB in pin F12, MSB in pin F11).
11. The second counter should be displayed in LEDs 4 to 7 in the board (i.e. LSB in pin C11, MSB in pin F9).
12. The entity you must use for this circuit is given below:
entity debounce_test is
Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;
btn : in STD_LOGIC; -- south button reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- rotary button ctr_db : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); ctr_btn : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0))
end debounce_test;
13. Hint: The bulk of the program is similar to listing 5.7 in your text.
14. Demo your implementation to the instructor.