Simple program that demonstrates that

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13926539

1. How would you output tabbed text from a Java program? Please write a simple program that demonstrates that. Make sure to compile and test your code before posting it here.

2. What methods from JOptionPane would you use to get input and display result? Please write a simple program that gets an integer number from the user and then displays that number multiplied by 2. Make sure you compile and test your code before posting it here.
Please do some search and see what is the specification of the showInputDialog() method of the JOptionPane class.

What is the type of the parameter it accepts? What is the type of the values it returns?

3. Let's as an exercise, write here a program that assigns 5 extra points to students who answer correctly bonus question X and 12 extra points to students who answer correctly both bonus questions X and Y.

4. Write a program that reverses a number, e.g., if the number is 3175, the result should be 5713.

5. What are instance variables of a class?

Please give a simple example of a class that implements a name consisting of a first and a last name.

6. Why is object-oriented programming so widely used in development?

Reference no: EM13926539

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