Simple mobile database-replication and mobile database strat

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13758513

Simple Mobile Database/Replication and Mobile Database Strategies

Simple Mobile Database

For this assignment, you will create a simple mobile database application using any mobile database of your choice consisting of one or two tables. You may use the database you created in another unit or you may choose to create a new database to work with for this assignment.

In preparation for this assignment, it is important to understand the challenges related to developing database management systems available through mobile computing devices. Use the suggested resources or other resources you find to learn more about these topics.

Assignment Instructions

For this assignment, complete the following:

Using a database you created, create a simple mobile database application using any mobile database of your choice consisting of one or two tables.
Provide the fully documented code for your database.
Describe your goal or goals for the database. What are you trying to achieve? Which users would be using the application?
Describe your rationale for the database you created and the tables you used.

Your completed assignment should include the following:

Evaluate the functionality of different mobile DBMSs.
Explain the creation of your mobile database in SQL terms.
Create a simple mobile database application that accurately represents business needs.

Write a detailed and accurate analysis of your simple mobile database application, providing appropriate rationale for its design and implementation.

For this assignment, you will design a replication and mobile database implementation strategy based on the mobile database application you created. As you design the database, remember that the mobile database is typically much smaller with less functionality than a regular database. You may develop your mobile database using Java, C#, VB or any other mobile tool including cloud-based tools such as App Inventor. This mobile application needs to interact with the tables that you have created whether it is a reporting tool or data entry mobile app.

In preparation for this assignment, it is important to understand the strategy and techniques of data replication and mobile database management systems. Use the suggested resources or other resources you find to learn more about these topics.

Note: App Inventor is a cloud-based tool, which means that you can build apps right in your Web browser. If you choose to use this tool, the Web site (linked in the Resources) offers all the support you will need as you learn how to build your own apps.

Be sure to complete the setup instructions and go through the designer and blocks editor overview.

To become familiar with using it, you may want to work to create at least one of the applications from the beginner section (linked in the Resources) and submit the resulting files along with a screenshot of the working app that you have created either from an Android device or computer.

Replication and Mobile Database Strategies

Assignment Instructions

For this assignment, complete the following:

Design and develop a mobile application that integrates a mobile database and create a written analysis to support and describe your mobile application infrastructure.
Identify a list of steps for implementing mobile databases into a data infrastructure. Your strategy should take into account both general mobile implementation concerns as well as the organization's attributes.
Describe the benefits and risks associated with mobile computing and mobile database management and security as you develop your mobile application.
Describe a strategy for maintenance and security of the mobile database infrastructure.

Reference no: EM13758513

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