Simmel stranger with dubois double consciousness

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Reference no: EM133183246

Compare/Contrast Simmel's Stranger with DuBois' Double Consciousness.

We focus on Simmer's notion of the stranger, in addition to Dubois notion of double consciousness. We also focus on Simmel's thesis on group distance and the concept of the outsider.

Essay instructions:

Write an introduction for your paper. Within the introduction, you want to be sure to include a thesis statement.

Explain Simmel's notion of the stranger. Include at least one peer-reviewed journal article no more than five years old.

Explain Dubois notion of double consciousness. Include at least one peer-reviewed journal article no more than five years old.

Compare and contrast Simmel's notion of the stranger with Dubois notion of double consciousness. Apply at least two social concepts.

Explain Simmel's thesis on group distance and Simmel's concept of the outsider within and the veil between the races. Apply at least one social theory.

Reference no: EM133183246

Questions Cloud

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