Reference no: EM13860498
Cybersecurity Compliance
Analyze the compliance and regulatory issues that face U.S. companies with regard to cybersecurity and information technologies and how to address them within the policy framework.
Competencies: Information literacy, teambuilding skills, communication skills
The team assignment is an opportunity for project management in a virtual team environment-a vital skill practiced by emerging 21st century organizations. Team members likely will play varying roles of leadership, research, writing, editing, and organizing. Each member should have a significant role in research and writing, while selected members should be relied upon for their editing and organizing skills to integrate the paper from varying resources into a cogent, coherent whole.
Team Assignment #1
1. Select an industry or sector of mutual agreement among team members for analysis of the industry/sector's compliance with applicable cybersecurity laws and regulations. Industries and sectors may include government (federal, state, local) or defense. Care should be taken in selecting an industry/ sector to capitalize on the background and strengths of individual team members and how those strengths contribute to completion of the overall assignment. Be aware that this assignment cuts across a whole industry/sector. As such, it likely will be necessary to study several representative organizations within an industry for comparative case studies. Thus the paper may take the form of several case studies cutting across applicable laws and regulations, culminating in an overall assessment of how the industry as a whole adheres to cybersecurity compliance standards. Another complementary approach likely will be to research the literature in academic, scholarly legal, and industry trade journals for relevant findings of experts on the topic of compliance with cybersecurity laws and regulations in the chosen industry/sector. Recognize that your research and analytical approach may not necessarily result in rigorous statistical validity and may fall into the category of anecdotal. Even if anecdotal, team members should garner expertise as to best practices within the industry.
Recognize that it may be necessary to cut across private and public sector interfaces of an industry because of government's reliance on outsourcing to private enterprises. Although this may seem to complicate the analysis, it is likely necessary given the current debate regarding public-private sector partnerships to achieve national cybersecurity goals.
2. For the sector of your choice, critically analyze that industry/sector's compliance with applicable cybersecurity laws and regulations. Each team
• discusses the similarities and differences of compliance environments
• discusses the values and issues with increasing compliance requirements
Prepare your paper in either Word format as your instructor requires. It should be 10-15 pages long, double-spaced with one-inch margins all around. The entire paper should be formatted in accordance with APA 6th edition guidelines. References are NOT included in the page count.