Similar to omr but this is optical character recognition.

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM13992562

Similar to OMR but this is Optical Character Recognition. The software interprets the marks as characters and generates text and some formatting detail into a word processing file.

Reference no: EM13992562

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Voice recognition software for other uses : Used to input sound that can either be recorded in a file or processed by voice recognition software for other uses. Voice recognition could be used for many applications such as hands-free phone dialling, controlling devices in a house if you are no..
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How people look at their societies : The author of our text states that the American Revolution was not a social revolution, but the Haitian and the French were. Do you agree? What were the differences in SOCIAL CHANGES in all three revolutions?
Similar to omr but this is optical character recognition. : Similar to OMR but this is Optical Character Recognition. The software interprets the marks as characters and generates text and some formatting detail into a word processing file.
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A control character is sent at the beginning as well : A control character is sent at the beginning as well as at the end of each block in the synchronous-transmission in order to?


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