Reference no: EM13543967
Items 1 and 2 relate to the following SPSS output. A researcher is interested in characteristics of HIV+ and HIV- adolescents interviewed 166 young adults about their experiences during adolescence. He wished to know, among other things, if there were significant differences in the ages at which HIV+ and HIV- young adults became sexually active. The following is the printout of this analysis:
HIV Status N Mean sd Stnd. Error
Age at Positive 57 13.2 2.96576 .39282
first sexual
experience Negative 109 15.1 2.57286 .24644
Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test for
Equality of Variances
F Sig
Age at Equal variance assumed 1.313 .254
first sexual
experience Equal variance not assumed
t-test for Equality of Means
t df sig. mean difference
Age at Equal variance assumed -2.870 164 .005 -1.9
first sexual
experience Equal variance not assumed -2.745 99.66 .007 -1.9
1. Were there significant differences between the groups. Give the relevant stastical data to support your answer?
2. What is the confidence interval associated with your answer to item # 1?