Significance of corporate social responsibility

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133237186

On 8th March, the day Zambia observed Women's Day, the Vice President of the Republic of Zambia, was a Guest of Honour at a ceremony at which Zambia Minerals Limited handed over to the people of Zambia a hospital it had constructed. In her speech, the Vice President thanked the management of Zambia Minerals Limited and implored other companies to emulate the gesture by Zambia Minerals Limited.

A minority shareholder of Zambia Minerals Limited is however sceptical of the company having spent money to build a clinic.


  1. What is the significance of corporate social responsibility to a company's strategy?
  2. Advance two (2) arguments in support of the minority shareholder and two (2) arguments in support of the action taken by Zambia Minerals Limited to build a clinic for the people of Zambia.

Reference no: EM133237186

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