SHR043-6 Integrated Management Project Assignment

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Reference no: EM132661814

SHR043-6 Integrated Management Project - Majan University College

Research Project and Reflective Report

Learning Outcome 1: Critical appreciation of techniques for analysing complex business issues and techniques for structuring solutions to complex issues.

Learning Outcome 2: Critically analyse and research complex business problems, Select and successfully apply a range of appropriate techniques to identify issues and develop integrated solutions, Self-reflect on your progress with the project and lessons learnt for future development.

Research Report:
By this point you will have submitted and received formative feedback on your developing research investigation during what is termed IMP1.Now you will produce a report (IMP2) that:

Identifies an issue or problem in your own organisation (another organisation is acceptable only in exceptional circumstances. Seek approval from the Unit Coordinator) that has multiple and varied approaches to its resolution. This should be a current or impending but not a past issue. You will identify and integrate a range of theories and techniques drawn from multiple appropriate disciplines from your MBA in the creation of appropriate solutions.

Once you have framed the problem you will identify and discuss relevant theories, models and paradigms related to the problem. Make sure that you look at the problem from different points of view and relate them to your learning from as many different units of the MBA.

For example:
• People - LMP, LP, MCI - how does your problem/ solution impact on the team & company? Performance, leadership, managing creativity/innovation etc.
• Financial aspect - AfL - How will your solution improve/ impact positively on the financial aspect of the company?
• Marketing - How does your problem/solution impact on the marketing dimension?
• Strategy - From the Strategy unit (Business Strategy) and from TCGC (locating your problem / organisation within the wider context of global business/ sector - macro-environmental impact - PESTEL, etc.)
• Operations Management - How does the problem/solution impact on the supply chain, procurement and operational management issues?
• Project management - Consider the models for managing change and other project management theories or models. Can any of these be applied to your problem area? You may use the soft and hard systems approach within this context. Is there any other approach that would be appropriate? If so, present it (with appropriate referencing) and explain how and why it is more suitable to the task at hand.

This is not an exhaustive list and you may want to broaden the range of theories as you see fit. You will also want to be selective in the approach you adopt, justifying the selection methodologically. It is important to use an integrated approach rather than look at each dimension on its own.

Having done this, which will be roughly half of your word count, you will need to produce a critical review of the literature where you will locate your work, discussing its broader contribution and demonstrating its distinctiveness.You will do this by critically evaluating the concepts, theories, models, etc., used and extending this to identify and review the wider body of knowledge and latest research in the field.

Reflective Report:
You will produce a reflective account that critically evaluates your capabilities at managing the process of producing the Project and reflects upon your development during the MBA and future needs as a practitioner based on your learning during the Project.

You are free to use your creativity and imagination in this regard. However, below are some guidelines for reflection on your MBA ‘journey'.
This is an opportunity to think back on your learning experience and self-evaluate in terms of strengths and weaknesses. There is no prescription of format or content, but the following might help.
Ask questions such as:
• What have I learnt?
• What could I do to improve and how?
Learning theory can be helpful in providing a framework of analysis.
Consider, for example, Kolb's Learning Cycle - experiential learning theory, 1984 and Rolfe et al's Reflective Cycle, 2001 - What? So, what? Now what? Having undertaken the reflection/self-evaluation think about providing a personal development plan which includes realistic goals and timelines and aids the monitoring of progress.
Reflection and self-evaluation are the key - supported by learning theory. Avoid description

you will need to:

• Identify an appropriate problem capable of being researched, select and apply appropriate integrated techniques in order to evaluate the issue and identify and propose
• Critically evaluate, to a limited extent, the tools, frameworks and theories from a wide range of disciplines that were used.
• Produce an adequate reflective account in which you assess your ability to complete the project and show consideration of personal development and impact on future self.

Attachment:- Integrated Management Project.rar

Reference no: EM132661814

Questions Cloud

Personal leadership training plan : In Unit II, you started your Personal Leadership Training Plan and focused on attributes; in Unit IV, you focused on knowledge.
What is Rafael recognized gain or loss : Rafael transfers the following assets to Crane Corporation in exchange for all of its stock. What is Rafael recognized gain or loss
What is the estimated value per share of the stock : The dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 7% per year. The required rate of return on the stock is 11.5%.
Write analysis connecting the three theories of morality : Explain how the theories align or do not align with your cultural identity. Include how cultural identity impacts social responsibility.
SHR043-6 Integrated Management Project Assignment : SHR043-6 Integrated Management Project Assignment Help and Solution, Majan University College - Assessment Writing Service
What is the cost of the bags in us dollars : What is the cost of the bags in US dollars, if purchased at today's spot rate ?
What are the tax consequences to Allie : Broadbill Corporation issues stock worth $300,000 to Allie and assumes the mortgages on the land. What are the tax consequences to Allie
What dream scape is like : What your dream scape is like, maybe some dreams you have had or insight into past dreams since the discussion. Also how this information can be useful to you.
What gain is realized on the transaction : Rhonda owns 50% of the stock of Peach Corporation. What gain is realized on the transaction? How much of the gain will be recognized


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