Showing data from black friday sales including cost

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13760842

I need a vb application in Microsoft Visual Studio showing data from black friday sales including cost, sales prices, transportation fees, profits, losses, best selling list, and worst selling list.

Reference no: EM13760842

Questions Cloud

Some of the objectives associated with service layouts : What type of layout is commonly used in service? what are some of the objectives associated with service layouts?
Problem regarding the estate planning : Explain the key benefits of estate planning. Provide at least one (1) scenario to show the impact that improper estate planning can have on family members.
Pecification for plastic liner for concrete highway project : The specification for a plastic liner for concrete highway projects calls for a thickness of 3.0 mm 0.2 mm. The standard deviation of the process is estimated to be 0.02 mm. The process is known to operate at a mean thickness of 3.0 mm.
Write a biography on countrys top fifty deal makers : Write a 1000 word biography on your chosen member of "The Country's Top 50 Deal Makers, Influence Pedlars, and Backroom Operators", according to Canadian Business Magazine.
Showing data from black friday sales including cost : I need a vb application in Microsoft Visual Studio showing data from black friday sales including cost, sales prices, transportation fees, profits, losses, best selling list, and worst selling list
Short paper on security plan : Submit a security plan to secure the organization's database. The security plan will be submitted to the CIO. The organization has many concerns about unauthorized access, since there have been reports that some confidential information has been a..
Indicates a poorly designed training package : Which of the following indicates a poorly designed training package?
What is an apt : Research advanced persistent threats (APT). Then, answer the following questions: What is an APT? How does this class of threat differ from other types of attacks against information and information systems
Alternative would yield higher profit for annual demand : A manager must decide between two location alternatives, Boston and Chicago. Boston would have annual fixed costs of $70,000, transportation costs of $60 per unit, and labor and material costs of $200 per unit.


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