Show the initial point and the new point in the curve

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131199122

Suppose you belong to a tennis club that has a monthly fee of $100 and a charge of $5 per hour to play tennis.

a. Using Figure 1A.4on page 18as a model, prepare a table and draw a curve to show the relationship between the hours of tennis (on the horizontal axis) and the monthly club bill (on the vertical axis). Forthe table and graph, use 5, 10, 15, and 20 hours of tennis.

b. The slope of the curve is per .

c. Suppose you start with 10 hours of tennis and then decide to increase your tennis time by 3 hours. On your curve, show the initial point and the new point. By how much will your monthly bill increase?

d. Suppose you start with 10 hours and then decide to spend an additional $30 on tennis. On your curve, show the initial point and the new point. How many additional hours can you get?

Reference no: EM131199122

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