Show the evolution of the line in the first 10 minutes

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13691687

Question: Assume you are at the airport, waiting for security check.  There is one line(which is a FIFO queue), and 5 security check gates.  Each person reaching the front of the queue is checked by the first available security gate.  Each security check gate has its pace of handling passengers, as follows:  gate #1, 1 person/minute, gates #2 and #3, 2 persons/minutes, and gates #4 and #5, 3 persons/minutes.  Assume that initially there are 20 people in the line; moveover, each minute other 10 person are coming to the line.  Show the evolution of the line in the first 10 minutes.  For this use a queue to model the line, add the initial passengers (give them names Passenger 1 to Passenger 10), and start distributing them to the security check gates every minute.  In each minute (for 10 minutes), show the status as follows:

- Content of the line (the queue) at the beginning, and at end of the given minute(remember that each minute other 10 passengers enter the line);

Content in the last minute (that is people checked during that minute) of each of the 5 security check gates.

Can you solve this problem? You have to satisfy the requirements specified in the instruction.

Reference no: EM13691687

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