Show the benefits of international diversification

Assignment Help International Economics
Reference no: EM1375095

Suppose you are a fixed income fund manager based in euroland. Expected return of the EUR bond market is 4.4 percent and risk 5 percent, expected hedged return of the United Kingdom bond market 5.5% and risk 5.5 percent. Correlation of the two markets is 0.7. Demonstrate the benefits of international diversification by investing 70% of your portfolio in EUR bonds, 30 percent in UK bonds.

Reference no: EM1375095

Questions Cloud

Distributional challenges with global climate change policy : Explain at least three important distributional challenges associated with global climate change policy also describe four of the advantages of global price approaches to climate change advocated by Nordhaus.
Effect of the global financial crisis : Determine the impact of global financial crisis of 2008-2009 on the economies of industrialised nations and emerging markets. Discuss what effect do problems like these have on attitudes towards free trade?
Reason of the decline of dollar against other currencies : The dollar has being weaker against other currencies ever since Bush administration took office. The government did nothing to stem the refuse. From the point of view of economic policy, what would you think was the cause?
Global financial contagion in future : The world economy retrenched in wake of a global financial crisis. Did globalization of capital markets contribute to this crisis? If so, what can be done to stop global financial contagion in future?
Show the benefits of international diversification : Suppose you are a fixed income fund manager based in euroland. Expected return of the EUR bond market is 4.4 percent and risk 5 percent, expected hedged return of the United Kingdom bond market 5.5% and risk 5.5 percent.
Long term correlation in domestic saving and investment : Martin Feldstein and Charles Horioka of Harvard University discusses that in a world of perfect capital market integration, there should be little long term correlation in domestic saving and investment.
Country net financial inflow and current account : Determine what has caused the United States run a merchandise trade deficit year after year since the early 1980 discuss the relationship between a country's net financial inflow and its current account?
Explain the importance of the competition : Our economy thrives on competition. Market forces will lead companies to manufacture the mix of goods most desired. Unforeseen events can be responded to in a rational manner.
Research in clinical lab testing : Your proposal to develop into 3-countries was approved by CEO. Now you have to make decision on a strategy - will PM firm simply sell its item or expand its markets via investment?


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