Show the artists with unpopular opinions

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Reference no: EM1371144

Artists with unpopular opinions

There are many cases of artists who held unpopular opinions and were willing to suffer the legal consequences. Dalton Trumbo was an award winning screenwriter who refused to give names during the Communist witchhunts of the early 50s and wound up not being able to work. Joan Baez went to jail rather than pay taxes to support what she thought was an illegal war in Viet Nam. Even Ezra Pound chose to stay in Italy and broadcast for Mussolini during WWII; he was arrested and served time. The point is not whether they were right or wrong; it's that they were not simply opportunists waiting to see which way the wind blows. Explain

Reference no: EM1371144

Questions Cloud

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Retribution in western nations : one of the most famous was the cancellation of The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour from CBS for its criticism of the Viet Nam War and the Johnson Administration. Explain.


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