Reference no: EM131074981
Given multivariate data X1,,,,,,, XN (in Rp) in mean deviation form, let P be a p X p matrix, and define Yk = PT Xk for k = 1,,,,,,, N.
a. Show that Y1,,,,,,,,,,, YN are in mean-deviation form.
b. Show that if the covariance matrix of X1,,,,,,,,,, XN is S, then the covariance matrix of Y1,,,,,,,,, YN is PTSP.
Find the first principal component of the data
: Find the first principal component of the data, and compute the percentage of the total variance that is contained in this component.
Airlines copy southwest model
: Southwest has mastered the low price model and has the financial results to prove it. Why don't other airlines copy Southwest's model? What risk does Southwest face?
Contractual modification binding
: After the art work was delivered and accepted by Sabathia, Sabathia refused to pay the $2,000 and demanded to only pay $1,500. Is the contractual modification binding? Please explain using the IRAC Formula.
Comment on how effective the course was
: Comment on how effective this course was in consolidating your graduate-level course work. Feel free to suggest any recommendations or improvements to make the course more effective.
Show that y1,,,,,,,,,,, yn are in mean-deviation form
: Show that Y1,,,,,,,,,,, YN are in mean-deviation form.
Determine the average exchange rate for the last year
: Determine the average exchange rate for the last year. Determine the daily percentage change in the exchange rate for each currency (i.e., the daily return on each currency).
Summarize the information in the article
: Choose from one of the forensic related subjects presented in the text/lecture , Identify at least six articles and describe how they support/apply to the subject selected.
Convert the matrix of observations to mean deviation
: Convert the matrix of observations to mean deviation form, and construct the sample covariance matrix.
Process of influencing people
: Leadership is defined as influence, the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals. Explain the essential skills a leader should posses.