Show that the pair of variables is statistically independent

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM13909231

Consider the sampled-time approximation to the M/M/1 queue in Figure 6.5.

(a) Give the steady-state probabilities for this chain (no explanations or calculations required - just the answer).

In (b)-(g) do not use reversibility and do not use Burke's theorem. Let Xbe the state of the system at time nδ and let Dbe a rv taking on the value 1 if a departure occurs between nδ and (+ 1)δ, and the value 0 if no departure occurs. Assume that the system is in steady state at time nδ.

(b) Find Pr{XiDj} for ≥ 0, = 0, 1.

(c) Find Pr{D= 1}.

(d) Find Pr{XD= 1} for ≥ 0.

(e) Find Pr{Xn+1 = D= 1} and show that Xn+1 is statistically independent of Dn. Hint: Use (d); also show that Pr{Xn+1 = i} = Pr{Xn+1 = D= 1} for all ≥ 0 is sufficient to show independence.

(f) Find Pr{Xn+1 = iDn+1 = Dn} and show that the pair of variables (Xn+1, Dn+1) is statistically independent of Dn.

(g) For each 1, find Pr{Xn+iDn+Dn+k-1, Dn+k-2, ... Dn} and show that the pair (Xn+kDn+k) is statistically independent of (Dn+k-1, Dn+k-2, ... Dn). Hint: Use induction on k; as a substep, find Pr{Xn+Dn+k-1 = 1, Dn+k-2, ... Dn} and show that Xn+is independent of Dn+k-1, Dn+k-2, ... Dn.

(h) What do your results mean relative to Burke's theorem.

Text Book: Stochastic Processes: Theory for Applications By Robert G. Gallager.

Reference no: EM13909231

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