Show that the expected first passage time from j to i

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM13909242

Consider an irreducible Markov chain that is positive recurrent.  Recall the technique used to find the expected first-passage time from to i, i.e., Tji, in Section 4.5. The state was turned into a trapping state by turning all the transitions out of into a single transition Pii = 1. Here, in order to preserve the positive recurrence, we instead move all transitions out of state into the single transition Pij = 1.

(a) Use Figure 6.2 to illustrate that the above strategy can turn an irreducible chain into a reducible chain. Also explain why states and are still positive recurrent and still in the same class.

(b) Let {π ∗ ; ≥ 0} be the steady-state probabilities for the positive-recurrent class in the modified Markov chain. Show that the expected first passage time T∗ from to in the modified Markov chain is (1/π ∗) - 1.

(c) Show that the expected first passage time from to is the same in the modified and unmodified chains.

(d) Show by example that after the modification above, two states and that were not positive recurrent before the modification can become positive recurrent and the above technique can again be used to find the expected first-passage time.

Text Book: Stochastic Processes: Theory for Applications By Robert G. Gallager.

Reference no: EM13909242

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