Show that strategy pairs in which neither person ever shoots

Assignment Help Game Theory
Reference no: EM13907099

(Sequential duel) In a sequential duel, two people alternately have the opportunity to shoot each other; each has an infinite supply of bullets. On each of her turns, a person may shoot, or refrain from doing so. Each of person i's shots hits (and kills) its intended target with probability pi (independently of whether any other shots hit their targets). (If you prefer to think about a less violent sit- uation, interpret the players as political candidates who alternately may launch attacks, which may not be successful, against each other.) Each person cares only about her probability of survival (not about the other person's survival). Model this situation as an extensive game with perfect information and chance moves. Show that the strategy pairs in which neither person ever shoots and in which each person always shoots are both subgame perfect equilibria. (Note that the game does not have a finite horizon, so backward induction cannot be used.)

Reference no: EM13907099

Questions Cloud

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