Show that cali-pairs would violate local realism

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131207441

Correlated Pairs-

Consider a hypothetical type of correlated pairs (titled Cali-Pairs), with 3 possible measurements/inputs for each particle:

-x0, x1, x2 for X

-y0, y1, y2 for Y

Each input can produce two outputs: -1 or 1.

The correlations are as follows:

-For each i, Xi = Yi (so p (Xi = Yi |xiyi) = 1)

-For every i = j, Xi ≠ Yi (so p (Xi ≠ Yj |xiyi) = 1 for i ≠ j)

The sum of the probabilities (titled Sum) would then add up to:

p (X0 = Y0) + p (X0 ≠ Y1) + p (X0 ≠ Y2) +

P (X1 = Y1) + P (Xi ≠ Y0) + P (X1 ≠ Y2) +

p (X2 = Y2) + p (X2 ≠ Y0) + p (X2 ≠ Y1) +

Worth noting though is that 0 <= Sum <= 9

Cali-pairs saturate this inequality.


1. Show that Cali-pairs would violate local realism.

2. Find the max value of Sum for pairs that satisfy local realism.

3. Consider the entangled state for photon polarization:

|A > = 1/√2[|00 > +|11 >1]

Show that by choosing angles for xi and yi appropriately, quantum mechanics gives a value for Sum that exceeds the local realistic max.

Find the max quantum value of Sum.

Reference no: EM131207441

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