Show how the demand for cigarettes has changed over time

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM132295420

Health Economics Summative Assessment Task - Essay

Please choose one of the following essay topics:

Topic 1:

Economic theory tells us that when the price of a good increases demand for that good will decrease. Use economic theory to show how the demand for cigarettes has changed over time (including both the percentage of population who smoke and the number of tobacco products consumed). What does the evidence tell us about the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes over time and is the price elasticity of demand the same for all population groups? Provide an example of a policy that will impact on the price of cigarettes and the evidence of the effectiveness of this type of policy in reducing demand.

Topic 2:

Contrast technical and allocative efficiency in the health care sector. Discuss how efficiency of managing a health condition such as obesity in the health care sector has changed over time. Provide evidence from the literature of real examples of changes in the health care management of your chosen health condition that illustrate technical and allocative efficiency to support your answer.

Topic 3:

Explain how the production function for a cardiac procedure such as cardiac angioplasty might be affected by a more recent intervention such as cardiac stenting. Use a diagram to explain your answer. Under what conditions will this change in the production function result in lower total cost to the health care sector? Under what conditions will the change result in higher costs to the health care system? Explain your answer using examples from the literature.

Verified Expert

The paper is the related to the economics and the concept of the essay and the understanding behind it.This paper also highlights the requirement of the new policies and procedures of the economic concept and the related application.This paper has been prepared in Microsoft Word Document.

Reference no: EM132295420

Questions Cloud

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Show how the demand for cigarettes has changed over time : HSH717 - Health Economics Summative Assessment Task - Essay: Use economic theory to show how the demand for cigarettes has changed over time
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Word Limit: 2000 words. All essays must be submitted via the CloudDeakin assignment drop box. This assessment task is 40% of the final grade for HSH717. Marking Rubric - 10 points - Introduction is relevant and concise. Clear statement of how you will approach your chosen topic. 10 points - All relevant economic concepts are defined. Definitions demonstrate an excellent understanding of key economic concepts. 10 points - The use of examples demonstrates a strong understanding of the relevant economic concepts. The examples are highly relevant to the health care system.


4/28/2019 11:02:29 PM

30 points - Excellent analysis of the issues (including strengths and weaknesses) presented in the topic from an economic perspective. 10 points - The essay contains relevant literature to support your discussion. Use of literature demonstrates excellent synthesis and analysis. 10 points - Excellent conclusion – synthesises all main points raised in your analysis. 10 points - All references have been cited correctly in the essay using a consistent referencing style. Reference list includes all references used in the essay. 10 points - Excellent expression (fluent, concise and clear), with accurate spelling/grammar. Care shown in overall presentation.

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