Show functional requirements of effective personal trainer

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM131918901

Systems Analysis and Design Assignment   

The following system/requirement description about Effective Personal Trainer is given to you by the customer who has no IT background. You are asked to:

1. Create the use case document/diagram to show the functional requirements of Effective Personal Trainer.

2. Draw the Context DFD.

3. Draw the System DFD.

Effective Personal Trainer

Effective Personal Trainer, Inc. owns and operates fitness centers in a number of cities. A typical center has about 200 members, with two membership levels: full and limited. Full members have access to all activities. Limited members are restricted to activities they have selected, but they can participate in other activities by paying a usage fee. All members have charge privileges. Charges for merchandise and services are recorded on a charge slip, which is signed by the member. At the end of each day, cash sales and charges are entered into the BumbleBee accounting software, which runs on a computer workstation at each location. Daily cash receipts are deposited in a local bank and credited to the corporate Personal Trainer account. The BumbleBee program produces a daily activity report with a listing of all sales transactions. At the end of the month, the local manager uses BumbleBee to transmit an accounts receivable summary to the Personal Trainer headquarter, where member statements are prepared and mailed. Members mail their payments to the Personal Trainer headquarter, where the payment is applied to the member account. The BumbleBee program stores basic member information, but does not include information about member preferences, activities, and history. Currently, the BumbleBee program produces one local report (the daily activity report) and three reports that are prepared at the headquarters location: a monthly member sales report, an exception report for inactive members and late payers, and a quarterly profit-and-loss report that shows a breakdown of revenue and costs for each separate activity. During the interviews, Ava received a number of "wish list" comments from managers and staff. For example, managers want more analytical features so they can spot trends and launch special promotions and temporary discounts. Managers also want better information about the profitability of specific business activities at their centers, instead of bottom-line totals. Several managers want to offer computerized activity and wellness logs, fitness coaching for seniors, and various social networking options, including e-mail communications, fitness blogs, Facebook, and Twitter posts. Staff members want better ways to handle information about part-time instructors and trainers - several people suggested to use scannable ID cards for capturing data.

Reference no: EM131918901

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