Show current price of apple for all exchanges

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132446204 , Length: word count:1500

BuyMe Database Design and Implementation

Each office got a CTO, who keep an eye over the total stock sold and loss/gain. Customer cannot directly interact with CTO. Henry, the company CEO, resides in London office and manages the overall profit of the company.


1. Show current price of Apple for all exchanges

2. Show maximum price of a share in USA market

3. Show minimum price for Apple for all data (from all exchanges)

4. Find broker who has maximum number of appointments

5. Find customer which booked the maximum number of appointments

6. Show all UK stocks having price higher than average for Asian market today

7. Show all stocks having price higher than average for USA market today

8. Update the price for all APPLE shares (Assuming there is a price change to 1000$)

9. Show average price of Asian shares which are higher than Average of European shares For Gold brokers

10. Find an Asian stock having price which is higher than average of Asian and European stock but less than average of USA stock


Create a trigger, which places the customers that have been deleted into a customer table. This allows records to be maintained while improving query times for existing customers.

Integrity Constraints

1. Only Numeric data in price

2. Appointment cannot be booked in past

3. No numeric numbers in Names

4. Email should have @ symbol for brokers and customers

5. If the customer email is not given, it should be ‘[email protected]'

Attachment:- Database Design and Implementation.rar

Reference no: EM132446204

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