Should you refuse to do the job

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131616382

Ethical issues for IT security personnel

The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills in research, critical analysis and academic writing of high standard. In this assignment students will:
- Identify potential ethical and social issues related to IT administration ethics.
- Discuss ethical and social issues pertaining to IT systems-administration.
- Interpret professional codes of ethics developed by various industry bodies.
- Discuss ethical behaviour in accordance with professional codes.
- Explain ethical solutions to ensure that the society benefits.

Students must be able to generate ideas at abstract levels and support their arguments with strong reasoning. Students must strengthen critical thinking skills by answering the assignment.

Assignment Description

Debra Shinder writes, "In fact, many IT pros don't even realize that their jobs involve ethical issues. Yet we make decisions on a daily basis that raise ethical questions [1]." Debra poses the following ethical scenarios.

0) IT and security consultants who do work for multiple companies have even more ethical issues to deal with. If you learn things about one of your clients that might affect your other client(s), where does your loyalty lie? Should you use the information gained from Client-A for the benefit of the other client, Client-B?

1) Then there are money issues. The proliferation of network attacks, hacks, viruses and other threats to their IT infrastructures have caused many companies to "be afraid, be very afraid." As a security consultant, it may be very easy to play on that fear to convince companies to spend far more money than they really need to. Is it wrong for you to charge hundreds or even thousands of dollars per hour for your services, or is it a case of "whatever the market will bear?"

2) Is it wrong for you to mark up the equipment and software that you get for the customer when you pass the cost through? What about kickbacks from equipment manufacturers? Is it wrong to accept "commissions" from them for persuading your clients to go with their products? Or what if the connection is more subtle? Is it wrong to steer your clients toward the products of companies in which you hold stock?

3) Another ethical issue involves promising more than you can deliver, or manipulating data to obtain higher fees. You can install technologies and configure settings to make a client's network more secure, but you can never make it completely secure. Is it wrong to talk a client into replacing their current firewalls with those of a different manufacturer, or switching to an open source operating system - which changes, coincidentally, will result in many more billable hours for you - on the premise that this is the answer to their security problems?

4) What if a client asks you to save money by cutting out some of the security measures that you recommended, yet your analysis of the client's security needs shows that sensitive information will be at risk if you do so? You try to explain this to the client, but he/she is adamant. Should you go ahead and configure the network in a less secure manner? Should you "eat" the cost and install the extra security measures at no cost to the client? Should you refuse to do the job?

Investigate and reflect upon one of the above scenarios using Ethical Guidelines published by organisations such as: EA, ACS, ACM and IEEE.

Students with ID ending with 0 or 5, answer scenario number 0 Students with ID ending with 1 or 6, answer scenario number 1 Students with ID ending with 2 or 7, answer scenario number 2 Students with ID ending with 3 or 8, answer scenario number 3 Students with ID ending with 4 or 9, answer scenario number 4

[1] D.Shinder, ‘Ethical Issues for IT security professionals', 2005. [Online].

Verified Expert

Ethical issues are integrity that everyone should maintain in course of decision making for all sphere of life. We have discussed the issues of IT security and then identified and analysed and provided some suggestions.

Reference no: EM131616382

Questions Cloud

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10/9/2017 6:32:56 AM

Great work, its well written and alot of good references. That covers all the requirements and I like the premium service. Next time I need help I will come again.Could not have done it better myself! thank you so much :)


10/2/2017 5:41:40 AM

I need intext citation also.please provide me the assignment with intext citation and with proper referencing Intext and references should follow IEEE referencing style.


9/29/2017 6:32:54 AM

I heard professor use this dataset which i attached from email, So you can use this data and amend graph and other stuff This one I have to use 24839888_1BUS708 Assignment Dataset.xlsx I have to submit the assignment in Turnitin, so similarity should not be more then 10% otherwise I cant pass this subject if similarity is so high,


9/29/2017 6:28:39 AM

Is it secondary data? I am going to present how to research sampling. so i want to pretend to research in person. so can you make a hypothesis? I mean the professor said . the important thing is that the process of making sampling and approach to make hypothesis even if I do not research directly. so this procedure will be crucial.... Don't forget to provide me Excel file also, The professor want me to submit Main report file and Excel file i want to get Excel file asap Professor said to students below this Your assignment is due in less than 2 weeks! Here are some important points: 1. For Dataset 1, you will need to collect the data yourself, e.g. by asking your friends around, setting up a web survey, etc. You will need to explain in the report, how do you collect the data. Note that you need to respect the privacy of the participants by removing any identification in your report. Example of the dataset: Student1 $200 Student2 $150 Student3 $90 Student4 $250 etc.


8/28/2017 2:40:21 AM

Analyse Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Mostly consistent logical and convincing Adequate cohesion and conviction Argument is confused and disjointed Evaluate/justific ation Excellent use of creditable sources. Accurate referencing. Obvious that outstanding effort made Extremely good effort Good effort made but not outstanding Made some effort. For example, Web searches only Very little attempt to reference. Lazy effort with inaccuracies Conclusion Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Mostly consistent logical and convincing Adequate cohesion and conviction Argument is confused and disjointed Reference style Clear styles with excellent source of references. Clear referencing style Generally good referencing style Sometimes clear referencing style Lacks consistency with many errors


8/28/2017 2:40:16 AM

Marking Rubric for Assignment-1:Total Marks 50 Grade Mark HD 80-100% DI 70-79% CR 60-69% P 50-59% Fail <50% Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Introduction All topics are pertinent and covered in depth. Ability to think critically and source material is demonstrated Topics are relevant and soundly analysed. Generally relevant and analysed. Some relevance and briefly presented. This is not relevant to the assignment topic. Identification Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately Demonstrat ed excellent ability to think critically but did not source reference material appropriatel y Demonstrated ability to think critically and sourced reference material appropriately Demonstrated ability to think critically and did not source reference material appropriately Did not demonstrate ability to think critically and did not source reference material appropriately


8/28/2017 2:40:07 AM

Marking criteria: You must use the following aspects as headings for your answer. Marks are allocated as follows: Aspects Description of the section Marks Introduction Introduce the ethical issues in 3-5 sentences 10 Identification Identify at least 2 important ethical issues 20 Analyse Analyse the above identified issues 20 Evaluate/justification Evaluate the issues and write justification of your evaluation 20 Conclusion Write clear conclusion in 2-3 sentences 20 Reference style Follow APA or IEEE reference style 10 Total 100

Write a Review

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