Should written job descriptions be developed

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133267719

After receiving Jessie's harsh email, Ashton asked her to come to the store so that they could talk in person. When Jessie opened up about all of her concerns and frustrations, they were able to talk things out and design a more equitable way to divide the work and responsibilities of owning and operating the store. A list of how to split responsibilities was developed for Jessie and Ashton, and this information was shared with employees. This allowed everyone to fully understand which owner was responsible for different workplace issues.

Furthermore, Jessie and Ashton worked together and successfully wrote an employee handbook, which included policies regarding safety, overtime, holidays, and respect in the workplace. Creating this document as a team helped remind Jessie and Ashton that they worked well together and really did have the same vision to provide high-quality mock perfume at reasonable prices. As well, they had taken all employees out for a night of pizza and bowling, and the event was a huge success. Everyone got along well, and the atmosphere in the store seemed better after this evening out. More Employees Needed?

Ashton was still convinced that they needed to hire more employees, so he emailed Jessie about this. He wanted to hire 2 more sales clerks and an inventory specialist. Jessie wrote back indicating that these people would cut into profits and they shouldn't hire more people until they were sure that they were needed. "Besides, our current employees seem to be managing inventory, so we don't need someone specifically in charge of this task," wrote Jessie. Ashton wrote back indicating that on 3 separate occasions when he was in the store customers had asked for a specific product only to be told that it wasn't in stock. Ashton noted, "Business is being lost because of ineffective inventory management. I happen to know that my cousin Ashley could take on this role and would enhance and grow our profits." Jessie once again replied and suggested that they interview each employee individually to gain a better understanding of the work each performs. "Only then can we determine if we need more sales clerks and an inventory specialist. Also, other employees will find out if we hire your cousin, and this could be seen as unfair." Ashton was becoming frustrated with the back-and-forth communication. Maybe things weren't going as well as he thought. One more email back to Jessie was worth a try, so he responded, "We will figure out what each employee does. If we need to hire an inventory specialist (and I'm betting we do), we can put together an effective and efficient recruitment plan to hire the best person for the job. I'm not sure why employees would care whom we hire, but I'm putting an action plan in place to address all of your ongoing concerns

Question 1. Is meeting with each employee individually the best method of job analysis? What other method(s) could be used and why?

Question 2. Should written job descriptions be developed for each employee's position? Why or why not?

Question 3. If an inventory specialist is needed, should Jessie and Ashton hire Ashley for this role? Why or why not?

Question 4. If external recruitment is used, where should Jessie and Ashton advertise this opportunity?

Question 5. Who should be involved in interviewing people for any new positions? Why?

Question 6. What other key recruitment and selection considerations should Jessie and Ashton address?

Reference no: EM133267719

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