Reference no: EM133832660
Should Women Be Equal, or Protected?
Following the specific prompts below, answer the question: Should Women be Equal or Protected? Why?
In one long response, please identify who, in your opinion, makes the better argument, Chisholm or Schlafly? Explain why.
Then read the assigned primary sources by Chisholm and Schlafly.
"Shirley A. Chisholm Equal Rights Amendment Speech"
Primary Source NPR Interview with Phyllis Schlafly "Why Feminism Has Made Women Unhappy"
One way to organize this response could be:
Paragraph 1: Describe the key differences between the ideas of Chisholm and Schlafly as regards the benefits or failings of the Equal Rights Amendment.
Paragraph 2: Identify which thinker, Chisholm or Shlafly, makes the better argument. Explain your reasoning.
Some considerations that might guide your approach to this assignment:
Review the module materials chapter carefully.
Read both primary sources carefully and consider:
- What challenges did women face at the time?
- Why might women need greater equality?
- Why might women need certain societal protections?
- What benefits would society gain if women were granted full equality?
- What might society lose if women were granted full equality?