Reference no: EM132287793
Should WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange be Charged with a Crime in the United States?
YOU: A senior advisor to the Attorney General of the United States
YOUR AUDIENCE: The Attorney General of the United States
ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION: You are to write a 500-word Policy Memo to the Attorney General. You are a senior advisor in the Justice Department. You are advising the Attorney General of your position on whether or not Julian Assange should be charged with a crime and, if so, what that charge should be.
Your paper should be submitted as a Word document. You will use 11 point, Arial typeface.
The body of your paper should begin: Mr. Attorney General, (double space), In the matter of criminal charges being filed against Julian Assange, I recommend.... (complete sentence).
Remember to begin your paper with your recommendation regarding whether charges should be filed. The body of the paper should include background of the case and both sides of the argument, international implications, freedom of the press issues, security issues, etc.
You paper should conclude with next steps or expected fallout from the decision.
As in this assignment entry, single space except between paragraphs.
You are not being graded on the position you take, but whether you support your recommendation.