Should the police actively enforce all written law

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Reference no: EM131524589


Should the police actively enforce all written law? Should police make an arrest whenever it is legally called for?

Responses must be at least 500 words.

Note: you can get an information from sample , but you are not allow to write the same wording.


Police officers have difficult jobs to do. They are not given every resource possible and they are not always put in the best situations, which limits them to below average outcomes. I think that every situation is different and the police office decision on enforcing every law should be based on the situation. I don't think that it can go one way or the other. In some cases, a police officer will have to enforce the written law.

For instance, if a person does a hit and run. Its police duty to find him and charge him / her with the crimes. Crimes like that,in my opinion has to be charged. But if a person past a stop sign on his/ her way home by mistake, I think the police should cut that person some slack and not charge them. In these cases, it makes more sense. Some laws in my opinion are truly unfair. They are sometimes old laws that don't make much sense in these present time.

What makes thing more confusing in the United States is that each states have different laws. For example, in some states Marijuan is legal but in other states they are not. Another one is that some states allow people to get their license at the age of 18 , while others have them at 21.

In these types of situation its very hard for a person to know what he can and cannot do in each states. I also believe that police officers in some communities do not know all the laws. Now a day most police officer are not highly educated. Most of them did not graduate college and some may have not graduated from high school. So this makes my judgment on them less sufficient.

At the same time I think that cops should only be a cop in the city that they grew up in or lived in for about 10 years. I think that its only right because they already have a good feel for the city and its people. I think this mindset allows them to truly do their job for the well beings for the people they grew up with. Most cops protect the city that they know nothing about. With the way the world is going recently. Cops are abusing their power and taking advantage of the people. Cops are making arrest just to make the people around them feel their power.

There has been a lot cases of young black man getting killed by police based of the color of their skins. There are videos now that show it , especially on the internet. With that being said how can we trust police officers. But not all cops have this mindset. Some cops do their job to make their area better. We cannot judge everybody based on a couple people actions. We have to take on mistake and throw it in the past and leave it there.

Reference no: EM131524589

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