Should the hotels be owned-managed by starwood or franchised

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133370344


Please help me in the below case study my lovely teachers.

Beansie's Bus was one of three big responsibilities on Jay's plate. In addition to being the owner and operator of the popular fast food truck, he was also a part-time MBA student and a husband. Jay's customer base was aging, and his biggest concern was to create appeal among the younger audience. The operation was seasonal, and Jay had a favorite daily parking spot in the downtown area. His truck was a retrofitted yellow school bus and frequented the downtown area where there were playgrounds for children, a band shell for musical performances, and scenic mountain views across the lake.

In his advertising, Jay took pride that Beanie's remained the same even as the world around it changed. Jay offered a variety of foods ranging from $2.50 for a hamburger all the way up to $15 for dinner. He accepted various forms of payment: cash, credit, and debit cards. There was some competition in the form of established food locations and other food trucks. To compete, Jay has built an online presence. The market was very favorable to fast food trucks across the country. Food truck growth had been impressive. Part of the success of food trucks was the relatively low comparable starting cost to get into the business. A new truck costs from $40,000-$75,000. Against this background of rapid growth and acceptance of food trucks, Jay's challenge was to appeal to the younger audience while retaining and not alienating his established older base.


1 A critical responsibility of decision-makers is to balance the present and the future. What does that challenge look like for Jay, as he seeks to apply the MBA skills that he is learning?

2. What do you believe are the three biggest issues that Jay faces today?

3. What advice would you give Jay about loyalty, or lack thereof, to his established base in terms of the challenges that are now before him?

Reference no: EM133370344

Questions Cloud

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Should the hotels be owned-managed by starwood or franchised : Should the hotels be owned/managed by Starwood or franchised? Why? What are the key considerations?
Identify the organizations touchpoints : Select an organization that you purchase products or services from and identify the organization's touchpoints. Are they effective? Can they be improved?
Who was involved in the communication exchange : Who was involved in the communication exchange? What type of communication was it, based on definitions from your module resources?
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Are regions that seem open to this kind of technology : Where do you see CCUS being initially deployed so that learning can occur? Are there specific industries or regions that seem open to this kind of technology?


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