Should the firm increase marketing spending

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM132288424

Company - TESLA

Develop a report that analyzes the company's current finances and makes recommendations for the future. In addition to the company's internal financial reports, incorporate a minimum of three external financial resources. The paper should be double-spaced and adhere to either APA or MLA formatting.

The Case Study is required to contain the following sections :

Executive Summary (1-2 pages): Provide a thorough and detailed executive summary highlighting your chosen company's relevant financial points.

SWOT Analysis (2-3 pages): Use financial sources such as Yahoo Finance, company annual reports, and other financial sources to develop your SWOT Analysis.

Recommendations (3-4 pages): Clearly articulate detailed recommendations for the company's financial success and justify your rationale. (Note: The Recommendation questions that need to be answered are below).

Concluding Thoughts (1-2 pages): Include concluding thoughts on the future of your chosen company.

The Recommendation questions that need to be answered are below:

Should the firm increase its capital expenditures to increase competitiveness? What segments of the business get the most capital allocated to them and why? Justify your rationale for all of your responses.

Should the firm increase growth by acquiring other companies for synergies or grow internally? Does it have the infrastructure to grow internally? If it is acquired by a competitor, how will the merger be integrated with regard to culture, overlapping businesses, etc.? Justify your rationale for all your responses.

Should the firm risk increasing its leverage (debt) to increase earnings and return on capital or keep the leverage the same (or even decrease it)? If it should increase it, explain why and by how much? Justify your rationale for all your responses.

Should the firm increase marketing spending? If so, by how much, and where should it be allocated? Should online marketing spending and international marketing increase by more than print ads? Justify any additional spending that is recommended. Justify your rationale for all your responses.

Verified Expert

The paper helped in analyzing the current financing of Tesla based on its internal and external financial reports. The financial analysis has been conducted with the help of SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis discussed about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company. The paper also provided recommendations based on the questions related to financing. The recommendations provided the fact that the company needs to increase its capital to enhance its competitiveness. On the other hand, it also recommended that Tesla must also spend on online and international marketing to promote its product. This will help the company to gain eggiciency within the market.

Reference no: EM132288424

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