Should marijuana be legalized

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Reference no: EM132658990

Read the assigned chapters in your course textbook.

1.Watch the following Youtube videos:
2. Identifying Premises and Conclusions
3.What Is an Argument?
4.What Is a Good Argument? (Part I)
5.What Is a Good Argument?: The Logic Condition (Links to an external site.)
6.The Value of Using Standard Form

Guided Response: In addition to your original post, post a minimum of three responses for a minimum of 75 words per response.

Respond to Payton: Topic chose - the legalization of marijuana.

Researching different ideas about it. Use as argument for legalizing marijuana,

Economical and health benefits. Make a strong argument

Topic: should marijuana be legalized?

The argument for Legalizing: Premise: marijuana is good for the economy and lowers crime

Premise: increased tax revenues, investment opportunities, and job growth

Reference no: EM132658990

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10/9/2020 6:06:48 AM

For my topic I chose the legalization of marijuana. It is something that interests me, and I like researching different ideas about it. When I was deciding what I wanted to use as my argument for legalizing marijuana, I was stuck between economical and health bene¦ts. I feel like both could make a strong argument but I ended up choosing economic.

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