Should marijuana be legal in private homes

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM132257867


Students will prepare a paper of about 16 pages with appropriate diagrams on a topic of their choosing. The topic will be the economic analysis of a law, rule, legal problem or legal case.

The format is double spaced in 12 font (New Times Roman or Arial).

The content will be based on original research and critical / independent thought of a calibre expected of third year students, considering principles from the text (s) and the selected readings. The paper will be evaluated on the basis of its originality, organization, economics / environment content as well as writing style and grammar. The paper should be organized as follows:


One paragraph outlining topic, issue(s) and conclusion(s).


Try to be as specific as possible. Instead of "Should marijuana be legal?"
Should marijuana be legal in private homes?
Should marijuana be legal in bars, but not restaurants?

Specify what economic model you are using - here diagrams

would be most helpful. Apply your economic model to your issue. How does your conclusion match or contradict other Economic Analysis of Law papers on your topic you have found in peer reviewed journals? Papers pertaining to your topic available in academic journals or books. Avoid internet, working papers, media, and other unpublished sources unless you are referring to a specific event - like an arrest, court session, public announcements


One paragraph recapping topic, issue(s) and conclusion(s).

Online Submissions for Course Paper Milestones:

It is every student's responsibility to ensure that their online submission is submitted successfully by the due date. Accommodations will not be made for unsuccessful submissions due to, but not limited to, i) the system timing out ii) submitting the incorrect document(s) iii) poor internet connection / no internet connection, etc.

Finishing each milestone is required for a final mark in the Course Paper:

Course Paper - Submission of Topic Choice

Write a Working Thesis Statement: Brief one (1) Paragraph Outline of Topic Choice, Reason for Choice and brief outline of research approach. To be submitted electronically to Blackboard. You should cite at least two (2) peer reviewed journal articles connected to your topic choice in this Statement.


Brief one (1) Page Update on Paper progress - Status of Research with brief bibliography of sources being used. To be submitted electronically to Blackboard.

Verified Expert

A study of carbon footprint has been done in the study. The positive economics, normative economics and the coase theorem have been linked to carbon footprint has been studied. The impact of the pollution in the future and the major causes have been shown by an example of climate change. The study of new regulations in the international level relating to the environment have been analysed.

Reference no: EM132257867

Questions Cloud

What are the implications for innovation and competition : If so, what are the implications for innovation and competition in the computer industry? How can we achieve an appropriate balance between those who hold legal
What do leaders expect from followers : What do leaders expect from followers? Identify a strategy to increase the leadership satisfaction rating.
Describe the use of efficient frontier analysis in srm : Chapter 25 presented the use of efficient frontier analysis in SRM. Assume you are the project lead for the analysis team that uses Efficient Frontier Analysis.
The overall project budget estimation : The human resources and other resources needed for the project with a listing of the roles and responsibilities
Should marijuana be legal in private homes : Should marijuana be legal in private homes - Should marijuana be legal in bars, but not restaurants - Status of Research with brief bibliography of sources
How did the quantitative and qualitative risk analyses help : How did the quantitative and qualitative risk analyses help you in prioritizing the project risks and assigning numerical values?
Explain the concept of color lightness spectrum : Kirk (2016) states that the topic of color can be a minefield. The judgement involved with selecting the right amount of color for a particular application.
What problem are you trying to solve : Who are you and why you're here? Keep it short and sweet. What problem are you trying to solve? Is it really a problem?
Discuss the critical business functions in brief : Describe in 500 words the disaster recovery plan and who is responsible at Finance place of employment. Consider the critical business functions.



9/5/2019 3:22:07 AM

Read the ResearchReport and comment #1 and#2. My topic have been chosen is about the "Carbon footprint". we doing the final part Not the draft, Please include some graph, And and I can provide the Article if you needed or you can find an additional one Please cite them. 32338938_1Research Report .docx

Write a Review

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