Should diversity be mandated legally

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131095810

Draft a response to each of the bulleted questions below. Each question must have its own response and have a minimum of 75 words.

1. How would you describe the value of diversity in the workplace?

2. Should diversity be mandated legally? Why or why not? Please explain.

3. How do Title VII and its amendments protect employees?

4. Do you believe that laws are necessary to govern the ethical treatment of employees? Why or why not? Please explain

5. Employee was designated male at birth and on her driver's license, but considered herself a woman. When she used both the male and female bathrooms at work, her employer asked her to supply a letter from her doctor indicating her gender. Her attorney wrote saying that she was not entirely male or female, and was, instead, intersexed. The employer tells the employee she can only use the men's restroom. If the employee had not notified the employer that she was intersexed, and possibly within Title VII, would employer be held liable for discrimination?

6. The Christian Science Monitor newspaper refused to hire Feldstein because he was not a Christian Scientist. The newspaper said they only hired those who were of the Christian Science religion, unless there are none qualified for a position. Is the newspaper's policy legal? Explain.

7. A Baptist-run home for troubled youngsters terminates an employee for being a lesbian. Can it do so?

8. How about terminating a practicing Nazarite from Taco Bell whose religious beliefs do not allow the cutting of hair? Does it matter if the employee had worked there for seven years without cutting his hair?

9. What about a self-described Evangelican Christian computer specialist working for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory who believes in intelligent design rather than evolution and argues about it with co-workers and passes out DVDs about it?

Reference no: EM131095810

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