Reference no: EM133422721
Please answer all the questions based on In Moral Issues and Movies, by J. Forte pages 43-54
1. What is the categorical imperative, in your own words, and what does it mean to live by it? Though you may think it is the same as the "Golden Rule"-to do unto other as you would have them do to you-it is not exactly the same, because of its focus on the principles of actions, rather than the actions themselves.
2. Is it plausible to live in such a way that one makes decisions primarily with regard to intentions, rather than consequences?
3. What should matter more to the morality of an action: Its intent or its consequences? Why?
4. What is the reasoning process Kant uses to justify the formulation of the categorical imperative?
5. Besides the clear example of telling a lie, what other specific actions are immoral according to the categorical imperative?
6. Are there actions that should be forbidden according to an ethical theory, but are not clearly banned by this initial formulation of the categorical imperative?
7. What does it mean to treat others as ends and never as means? What kinds of actions are clearly opposed to this second formulation of the categorical imperative?
8. What is the reasoning process Kant uses to justify the reformulation of the categorical imperative in Section Two?
9. Does Kant agree with the notion that doing good only counts when it is done regardless of its possible consequences?