Should a company be happy if most customers are satisfied

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131648609


Answer the forum questions, listed below. You need to answer at least one FQ by the end of Thursday so that your classmates have some discussion items to encourage discussion before the end of the week. All FQs need to be answered by the end of the week. Remember to provide at least two responses.

1. Salespeople play three primary roles. What are they? Salespeople create value in what two ways?

2. Do customer relationships begin as transactional and move toward strategic partnerships?

3. Should a company be happy or concerned if most customers are satisfied?

Reference no: EM131648609

Questions Cloud

Joint ventures and other types of strategic alliances : What are the basic differences between joint ventures and other types of strategic alliances?
Examine quality management-project management strategies : How can you build a standard to be used in future phases of the quality initiative so that other project managers follow your approach to quality management?
Audience at a new comers orientation : What were some experience you had with a presenter who lost the audience at a new comers orientation?
Probability-the third question is first one you get right : Assuming you are operating at the 70% level and the instructor arranges questions randomly.
Should a company be happy if most customers are satisfied : Do customer relationships begin as transactional and move toward strategic partnerships? Should a company be happy or concerned if most customers are satisfied?
Develop a justification or condemnation : Examine the issue of monitoring Internet usage at work and develop a justification or condemnation for this use of the technology using a rules-based.
Milton friedman positions on social responsibility : Contrast Ralph Nader's and Milton Friedman's positions on social responsibility. With whose view do you agree and why in "200 words" or more?
Assess the statistical reasoning of the advisors : Overall, stocks have risen in value during 95 of the 130 years since the market began in 1872. How is this fact relevant in assessing the statistical reasoning.
Modes of communication in the organization : Describe how the following areas influence the organizational behavior in a negative or positive manner:Modes of communication in the organization.


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