Shortness of breath with mild-to-moderate exertion

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133730998


Dorothy Snow, 45, F Hx: Nonischemic cardiomyopathy who presents to the ED with a 3-day history of shortness of breath with mild-to-moderate exertion. She reports three-pillow orthopnea × 2 days and coughs during sleep. Denies chest pain; occasional palpitations. Reports a 10-lb weight gain in the last week and an increase in her lower extremity edema. Two months ago, Mrs Snow was hospitalized briefly with atypical chest pain and had persistent hypokalemia for which her Metolazone 5 mg daily was discontinued. Approximately one month ago, she subsequently developed significant fluid retention and her PCP restarted metolazone 5 mg PO MWF.

Reference no: EM133730998

Questions Cloud

Identify the signs that indicate emergency exists : Identify the signs that indicate an emergency exists in the video you just watched.
Important to reconcile personal values and moral ethics : Describe the role of that is important to reconcile personal values/moral ethics and professional ethics in decision making when they are in opposition.
Population level versus individual level : Reflect on the challenges of working to promote health at a population level versus an individual level.
Hyperthyroidism and bilateral cataracts : A 78-year-old male is recovering on a right hip replacement 4 days ago. The client has a history of right hip fracture, hyperthyroidism, and bilateral cataracts
Shortness of breath with mild-to-moderate exertion : Dorothy Snow, 45, F Hx: Nonischemic cardiomyopathy who presents to the ED with a 3-day history of shortness of breath with mild-to-moderate exertion
About toxic waste in marginalized communities : You are tasked with writing a white paper about Toxic waste in marginalized communities in the USA. Write the background section of your paper
Review resources about running for elected office : Review resources about running for elected office. Consider what it might take-including resources, manpower, education, money, etc.-to run for office.
Explain toxicokinetics associated with Toxic waste : Explain the toxicokinetics associated with Toxic waste in marginalized communities in the USA, including how the agent enters the body
Record personal information about patients : Mr. A, a social worker, attempts to record personal information about his patients and not simply social characteristics.


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