Shorthand method for identifying network

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133218159

Part 1: Multiple Choice

1. In the cloud, how are private IP addresses assigned?

Chronologically from specific IP address ranges defined when the virtual network and its subnets are created.

Chronologically from a local DHCP server defined when the virtual network and its subnets are created.

Dynamically from a local DHCP server defined when the virtual network and its subnets are created.

Randomly from the reserved set of private IP address assigned to a virtual machine when it is brought online.

2. Which term refers to a shorthand method for identifying network and host bits in an IP address?




Classless interdomain routing (CIDR) notation

3. Which term refers to a geographic location of a CSP's physical data center?

Virtual private cloud (VPC)


Software-defined data center (SDDC)

Availability zone (AZ)

4. Which term refers to an organization's network that spans two or more cloud platforms, such as AWS and GCP, or Azure and Salesforce?

Hybrid cloud


Border gateway

Virtual private cloud (VPC)

5. Which term refers to a virtual connection between two geographically distant locations that provides access to network resources between a client and a remote network, two remote networks, or two remote hosts over the Internet?

Multi-site load balancing




6. Which tool is used to configure DHCP across a hybrid cloud so that one system manages DHCP services both on-prem and in the cloud?



Multi-site load balancing


7. Which term refers to a hierarchical approach to tracking domain names and their addresses?



Name resolution

Load balancing

8. Which command can be used to identify bottlenecks causing latency issues when hosting resources in the cloud?





9. Which term refers to a security technique that allows for granular control of traffic and workflows within a cloud-based network?



Micro segmentation

Defense-in-depth (DiD)

10. What term refers to an area on the perimeter of a network that is less protected than the internal network and provides internal resources with a transitive connection to external resources?

Network Virtual Appliance (NVA)

Demilitarized zone (DMZ)

Intrusion prevention system (IPS)

Network Security Group (NSG)

11. Segmentation of GCP resources is first achieved at the __________ level.





12. Which benchmark ensures that a data block was not modified after the sender transmitted it and before the receiver picked it up?





13. Which term refers to a series of characters that is combined with a block of data during that block of data's encryption?





14. Which term refers to the master user in a cloud account or compute system that retains complete access and action permissions, no matter what permissions are also given to other users?





15. What term refers to the extent of system vulnerability to a destructive event such as a security breach or device failure?


Blast radius



Part 2. short answers

The following questions are related to lectures 4-7 on Moodle. Please give short answer to the following questions:

1. True or False: Azure chooses the route to apply to traffic by how closely the destination IP address matches a route's address prefix.

2. True or False: Cloud consumers have control over physical security or configuration of the physical infrastructure supporting their cloud-hosted data.

3. True or False: Subnetting helps manage IP address spaces in the cloud and it is imperative to understand this concept.

4. True or False: VPNs are an expensive and relatively secure mode of connection to cloud resources.

5. True or False: An administrator can change some of the DHCP options that a VM instance receives when its interface is created

6. What kinds of threats do cloud users face?

7. Explain cloud-centric security techniques.

8. Why shadow IT can be beneficial.

9. What are 4 account management policies' benefits.

10. True or False: When creating cloud accounts, it is important to avoid using the default root account. Instead, for security purposes, users should be assigned less-privileged user accounts with which to access and interact with cloud resources.

Reference no: EM133218159

Questions Cloud

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Describe how electronic system : Describe how an electronic system may be used to count the number of people entering a building.
Shorthand method for identifying network : Which term refers to a shorthand method for identifying network and host bits in an IP address?
Benefits of Wi-Fi vs cellular wireless technologies : Compare the uses, speeds, and benefits of Wi-Fi vs cellular wireless technologies in a business environment.
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Describes the pipeline jungles anti-pattern : What best describes the pipeline jungles anti-pattern?
About the problem with fake news : In this module you read about the problem with fake news. Do you agree that this is a serious concern? Why or why not?


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