Reference no: EM13951334
1. When it was originally developed, PERT used certain (deterministic) methods to estimate activity duration.
2. AON and AOA networks can both be used to depict any project network.
3. The shortest time to complete a network is equal to the duration of the longest path through the network.
4. Critical path tasks always have zero slack.
5. To manage a project successfully, the project manager need only pay close attention to tasks on the critical path.
6. "Merger" is a term used to describe the situation in which two or more paths in a network join together.
7. If task duration estimates are carefully made, the project manager needs to only examine the critical path when conducting a risk analysis.
8. The actual project duration will be known with certainty after the project is completed.
9. Milestones cannot be identified on a Gantt Chart.
10. It is easiest to see lead and lag time in a project task on a PERT/CPM networks.
11. A start-to-finish linkage is the most common way of linking to successive task.
12. The formula for the expected time of an activity in a network assumes that the optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely time estimates have a Beta distribution.
13. A project schedule is a project action plan converted into a timetable.
14. A Gantt chart can NOT depict a critical path, only a PERT/CPM chart can.
15. The difference between the LST and EST is called slack.
16. A disadvantage of Gantt charts is that they are hard to draw.
17. The difference between LST and LFT is called slack.
18. Standard Pert/CPM networks can be use to resolve probabilistic concerns
19. Technical dependencies are often harder to see on a Gantt chart than on a PERT/CPM network.
20. The difference between EST and LFT is called slack.
21. The difference between LFT and EFT is called slack.
22. A big advantage of AON networks is that they are easier to draw.
23. The tasks of project planning, project budgeting, and project scheduling are largely separable from one another.
24. An event is a series of connected activities.
25. A disadvantage of using beta distribution to approximate activity times is that it is generally less flexible than the normal distribution.
26. The simulation approach is generally preferred over the statistical method.
27. Technical dependencies are generally easier to see on a Gantt chart than on PERT/CPM networks.
28. The start-to-finish linkage is used in situations where is it desirable for two or more activities to finish at the same time.
29. Milestones are not depended upon the predecessor activities in the project plan.
30. Another name for total slack is free slack.
31. What is it a milestone?
32. What is project slack?
33. For which purpose is simulation NOT used with regard to project scheduling?
34. Technical dependencies on a project plan are easiest to see on a:
35. PERT was originally used for what type of project?
36. Which of the following is NOT an element of the Gantt chart?
37. Which of the following is typically used as the best estimate of task duration?
38. Which of the following terms is most closely associated with a task required by the project?
39. What is the expected time to complete a task with an optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic times of 3, 4, and 7 days respectively?
40. What is the standard deviation of a task with optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic times of 3, 4, and 7 days respectively assuming the estimates were made at the 99% plus level?
41. The amount of time a noncritical task can be delayed without delaying the project is called?
42. Slack is calculated as?
43. Which of the following linkages is used to start two or more activities at the same time?
44. A Term NOT used in the discussion of PERT/CPM analysis is
45. An identifiable state resulting from the completion of one or more activities is called?
46. Define the term Critical Path.
47. What is activity slack?
48. What is a Gantt chart?
49. What are the four methods of linking steps in a project using precedence diagramming?
50. Contrast "total slack" and "free slack"
51. Contrast the traditional statistical approach to calculating the probability of completing a project by a specified time with the simulation approach.
52. Why should we only draw the Gantt chart after we have draw the network for the project?
53. What assumptions are made about the probabilities of the optimistic and pessimistic times in the standard formula for calculating the variance of a particular activity? Explain how the formula can be modified to accommodate different assumptions.
54. Explain why the term "critical path" has less meaning in cases where the activity times are not known with certainty.
55. What is a merger and what problems do mergers create?
Why is it necessary for the PM to be aware and to manage the slack in the project?