Shipping manager who has worked for galaxy toys

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131447035


In the first assignment, students are given a scenario in which the shipping manager who has worked for Galaxy Toys, Inc. since 1969. The scenario serves to set the stage for students to demonstrate how management theories have changed over time.  For example, management 30 years ago is different than management in the 21st century. 


In Part One of this analysis, students are to use the facts from the case scenario to determine the two different organizational theories that are demonstrated.  For Part Two, students will compare the 21st century manager to that of the main character in the case scenario and discuss using the course readings the implications of change in being a 21st century manager.

In selecting a School of Thought and an organizational theory that best describes the current shipping manager, students will use the timeline, the information provided in the course schedule, the course readings.  Students will use the course readings to respond to most of the assignment requirements but will also need to research the theorist(s) and theories to complete the assignment.  Students are expected to be thorough and demonstrate accuracy in responding to the assignment, analyzing the case scenario and in supporting all reasoning. 

In Part Two, students are going to take what they have learned and compare the management skills of the 21st century shipping manager to the skills of the current shipping manager. 

How to Set Up the Paper

Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced, 12-point font.  The final product will be between 5-7 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page and appendix.  You may not exceed seven (7) pages so it is important to write clearly and concisely.

In addition to providing an introduction, students will use headings following this format:

  • Title page with title, your name, the course, date, the instructor's name;
  • Introduction
  • Background on the Galaxy Inc. scenario - one to two paragraph that is paraphrased (approximately 150 words);
  • Part One;
  • Part Two

Step 3: Create the introductory paragraph.  Within this paragraph, provide a brief overview of the scenario.  Then, provide a thesis statement and tell the reader the main topics covered in the paper.  The introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper but is typically written after writing the body of the paper (Questions students responded to above).  View this website to learn how to write an introductory paragraph:

Step 4: Part One:  Read critically and analyze the following scenario:

The shipping manager for Galaxy Toys Toledo, Ohio branch, Bart Aldrin, has been in his job since 1969.  Prior to coming to Galaxy, Bart worked as shipping clerk for International Shipping, a large container company.  Bart quickly rose to supervisor at International Shipping because of his ability to plan daily work, provide detailed instructions to workers that helped optimize the way tasks were performed and his knack of implementing processes so workers could be trained to perform their specialized sequence of motion in the most efficient way.  He brought this management style to Galaxy, which helped to improve the methodology of toy assembly as well as the shipping processes.  

Employees often criticized Bart, who was heard to say (on many occasions), "It's my way or the highway" or "Just do your individual task the way you were trained and don't worry about what others are doing."  In fact, it was clear that Bart was focused on efficiency and to that end, he had a keen understanding of all of the tasks that needed to be completed and was focused on hiring and training workers that could perform their individual task in the most efficient way possible.  In his early days, one could find Bart on the shipping floor taking copious notes as to each individual task completed and figuring out ways to turn the employees into robots...programming them to perform their one task in the single-most efficient way possible (at least from his perspective). 

A major shift in management occurred in the late 1980's and early 90's that caused Bart (and other managers) to reconsider their management approach.  For example, heightened competition, advances in technology, the workers threat to unionize, a greater demand for employee management participation, work-life balance and a general shift in employee workplace values caused management to change the culture of Galaxy.  A greater focus on employees led to a new approach to management at Galaxy: people focus within a learning environment.  The owners of Galaxy embraced diversity and were willing to hear the ideas of employees and this change in attitude and culture was evident in Bart, who embraced these changes wholeheartedly.  These internal changes enabled the company to adapt to uncertainty and to respond to its competitors more quickly.

Step 5: Identify and discuss the School of Thought that best describes Bart's management style when he first joined Galaxy.  Remember to explain the facts that you have relied upon in your selection.  Note that there is one best answer so not doing a thorough analysis will yield partial credit for this element.

Step 6: Discuss the theorist (only one) under the identified School of Thought that best depicts Bart's management style when he joined Galaxy. What contribution did this theorist make to management and why was his or her contribution important to the field of management? Remember to explain the facts that you've relied upon in your selection.  Note that there is one best answer so not doing a thorough analysis will yield partial credit.

Step 7: Identify and discuss the School of Thought that best describes the management style Bart used once the shift took place.  Why is this School of Thought the best choice?   Remember to demonstrate that the facts given in the scenario align with your choice.  Note that there is one best answer, so doing a thorough analysis will yield partial credit for this element.

Step 8: Identify and discuss the theorist who best supports this School of Thought.  Address the principles of the theory and how these principles affected the new approach to management as exhibited Bart and his fellow managers.  How does what the theorist propose support the facts in the case study?  Remember to demonstrate that the facts given in the scenario align with your choice.  Note that there is one best answer, which is not related to the P-O-L-C, so doing a thorough analysis will yield partial credit for this element.

Step 9: Compare and contrast the two Schools of Thought that were identified above.  To help you understand how to do this element, view Writing a Comparison and Contrast Paragraph. The expectation is that this element is covered in detail, which is more than 2-3 sentences.

Step 10: Part Two:  Read critically and analyze the following scenario:

Recently, Bart announced his plans to retire.  His replacement is Joyce Barnhart.  Joyce is confident as a 21st century manager that she is capable of handling the new position as manager.

Step 11: As a 21st century manager, how will Joyce's understanding of the role of a manager be manifested/demonstrated in how she approaches her job? Remember that in responding to this question, students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the 21st century management concepts discussed early in this course.

Step 12: How will the new approach to the job likely change the production and shipping department at Galaxy headquarters?

Step 13: Proofread the paper for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing as this assignment requires college-level writing.

Reference no: EM131447035

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