Sheldon and amy date night experiment-the big bang theory

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Reference no: EM133429825


Watch "Sheldon and Amy's Date Night Experiment - The Big Bang Theory"

1. Does the experimental design used by Amy fit the criteria for a true experimental design? Why or why not?

2. Why is it impossible to prove causality in this instance?

3. What recommendations would you make to Amy to improve upon the design, so she could be more confident that her manipulation is working?

4. Are there any threats to internal or external validity relevant to this study? Explain your response.

Reference no: EM133429825

Questions Cloud

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What are the varying facets of labeling theory : Why is deviance relative? What are the varying facets of labeling theory? How is this further manifested in the medicalization of deviance?
Sheldon and amy date night experiment-the big bang theory : Does the experimental design used by Amy fit the criteria for a true experimental design? Why or why not?
Made particularly strong impression : Was there a theory, concept, reading, activity, video, or something else that made a particularly strong impression?
Fathering are encouraged by our major social institutions : Which styles of mothering and fathering are encouraged by our major social institutions, stereotypes, and personal expectations?
Describe your own unique version of this activity center : Describe your own unique version of this activity center. What creative materials would you include?
Demographic characteristics might impact health concerns : Explains how factors such as race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and other demographic characteristics might impact the three health concerns


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