Reference no: EM132394909
500 words
This application assignment requires you to share a newsworthy story OR a workplace experience that demonstrates how one course concept from Module 1 has been used in practice. The concept that you select may come from the readings, audio lectures, and/or required videos.
ORIGINALITY REQUIRED: This Application Assignment must be your original work for MADM 752. Your assignment should be your own work and in your own words. Course material and external sources must be cited and given proper credit using APA style. In addition, assignments submitted to other classes should not be recycled or re-used for an Application Assignment in this course. Your Turnitin similarity score will detect these types of submissions. MADM 752 is specifically about small business and family enterprise. Therefore, the concept you choose should be related to small business and family enterprise based on the material covered in this week's module. View the Turnitin
Requirements section below.
News Story Option (if chosen):
News story must be from a credible source within the last 4 years with appropriate citation.
Context must be provided on why the story is immediately relevant to the topics being covered.
Responses which are purely opinion and anecdotal are not considered to be substantive in nature.
Two external sources to support information required In addition to the news story from a credible source.
Original news story from an external source plus two additional external sources required.
Assigned textbook chapters from the course do not count as external sources.
Workplace Experience Option (if chosen):
DO NOT SHARE CONFIDENTIAL OR PROPRIETARY INFORMATION with the class If you decide to introduce a workplace scenario that you have dealt with or are dealing with at present.
Use discretion when sharing work related information. Use aliases instead of real names to maintain privacy.
Two external sources required to support your information in addition to workplace experience.
Workplace experience plus two external sources required.
Assigned textbook chapters from the course do not count as external sources.
Assignment Structure:
The title of application assignment and first sentence of assignment must indicate course concept from Module 1.
First part of application assignment must provide only a brief summary of your work related news article/workplace experience to frame your discussion so that what you are discussing is clear but is not the majority of the post.
Remainder of application assignment and the primary focus of it is not describing your article/experience in great detail but rather meeting the relevant criteria outlined in the application assignment rubric using your work related article or workplace experience as the context.
Analyze value of dialogue in helping team learn and change
: Analyze how organization can use ground rules and dialogue to grow as a learning organization. Analyze the value of dialogue in helping a team learn and change.
Describe team development experience in narrative format
: Describe your team development experience in a narrative format. Explain the successful and unsuccessful aspects of the team development exercise.
Members caused conflict and damaged performance
: How might this have been a source of tension? Analyze how this difference in what is expected of team members caused conflict and damaged performance.
Buzzfeed case study analysis and application instructions
: Read the HBR Case Study "BuzzFeed- The promise of Native Advertising" and then write your Analysis and Application in response to the questions
Share newsworthy story or workplace experience
: This application assignment requires you to share a newsworthy story OR a workplace experience that demonstrates how one course concept from Module 1
How many dimensions of information were captured
: Why do you think it was identified as one of the 25 best? How many dimensions of information were captured? What do you like most about it?
Evaluating key components of logistics management
: Evaluating key components of logistics management.Why need retail system?define sales goals, merchandise plan, buy planning and analytics, management reporting.
Relating strategically to others
: Thinking Strategically: The Competitive Edge in Business, Politics, and Everyday Life, authors Dixit and Nalebuff teach strategies from game theory
Describe any notable microeconomic relationships and trends
: Describe any notable microeconomic relationships, market outcomes, and/or trends in this industry. Include a graph, chart, or table containing related data.