Several popular music genres emerged

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Reference no: EM133541135


In the 1970s, several popular music genres emerged and/or were solidified through the efforts of progressive artists/groups. Choose a genre and suggest an artist who helped establish the sound of that genre through their progressive music, making reference to specific musical elements.

Reference no: EM133541135

Questions Cloud

Power of music to affect culture and society : How do the following two examples recognize the power of music to affect culture and society?
What elements remain from earlier periods : What elements remain from earlier periods? What has changed? What elements do you recognize in music of subsequent eras?
Elaborate on melodic contour and motives being implemented : All timbres should be discussed and described. Elaborate on the melodic contour and any motives being implemented.
Highlights or most useful parts of Course Outline : What are the highlights or most useful parts of the Course Outline? I will be looking for your understandingof these assignments and obligations,
Several popular music genres emerged : In the 1970s, several popular music genres emerged and/or were solidified through the efforts of progressive artists/groups.
How do you think the rhythmic : How do you think the rhythmic aspect of this excerpt from The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky contributes to the performance of the ballet?
Ballad for incarcerated americans : Marta Robertson, "Ballad for Incarcerated Americans: Second Generation Japanese American Musicking in World War II Camps.
Composer Franz Liszt musical aesthetic compares : Discussion of how this composer Franz Liszt musical aesthetic compares to at least two specific musical works that were studied in the class.
Describe the singing style-instruments normally used : Describe the singing style, instruments normally used, types of lyrics, and any salient features such as meter, beat, tempo,


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