Reference no: EM132664898
SEV200 Geotechnical investigation and Design - Deakin University
This assessment task is an individual task involving a report on loading of a culvert. It simulates some of the steps involved in real geotechnical designs for roads, culverts, and bridges.
The aim of this assessment is to help you further develop and demonstrate the following skills:
• Working with relevant Australian Standards
• Applying soil mechanics principles and theories to analyse stresses and deformations Critical thinking and Problem solving, when aiming for grades of distinction or high dis- tinction (see the rubric)
• Report writing
A greenfield has been investigated for development. There are plans to build a residential area, a shopping centre and the necessary road network. A schematic figure of the development plan is shown in Fig. 1.
Figure (attached) 1: Schematic figure showing the development plan.
A culvert is to be designed as a part of this development. The general geometry of the culvert is shown in Fig. 2 which is Fig. 1.1 in AS1597.2 (2013) reprinted here. To be able to design this culvert, the structural design team requires the design loads. You need to calculate and provide the required design loads.
The culvert is in an embankment and is designed for a single lane road. The external dimen- sions of the culvert are identified in Fig. 3. The height of fill over culvert (H) will be emailed to your student email before week 5.
3 Requirements
You have to complete the following requirements in this project:
Figure (attached) 2: General geometric parameters of a culvert (AS1597.2, 2013, Fig. 1.1).
Figure (attached) 3: External dimensions of the culvert and its top and side views. Note that only half of the culvert is shown in the side view (a) due to symmetry.
1.Calculate the loads on the culvert (see Section 3.1) 2.Write a loading report (see Section 3.2)
These are explained in more details below.
Culvert loading
You have to calculate the design loads to be applied on the culvert shown in Fig. 2 based on AS1597.2 (2013). This may require you to also consult with AS5100.2 (2017).
You only need to calculate the ultimate design loads relevant to strength limit state. You need to at least calculate the design loads on top of the culvert but to increase your mark you also need to find the design loads on the sides. The embankment and the culvert are both symmetric so loading of one side is enough. For more information see the associated rubric.
You would need to calculate the dead loads and traffic loads on the culvert. For dead loads, you only need to consider earth pressure due to fill and compaction (AS1597.2, 2013, 3.3.2-4). For calculation of traffic loads, you should use the simplified truncated prism method as explained in AS1597.2 (2013, 3.3.5). For traffic load on top of the culvert, you need to show the details of the calculation. However, for the traffic load on sides, it is enough to prepare a table listing the load applicable at different depths due to W80, A160, and M1600 loads. For an example (and perhaps also verification), see AS1597.2 (2013, Table G3).
To improve your grade further, you can compare the above-mentioned traffic loads on the culvert with the stresses calculated using Boussinesq solution as explained in module 7 and Ghabraie (2019, 7.5.2). To even further improve your grade, you can recalculate the traffic loads on the culvert using the precise analysis explained in AS1597.2 (2013, G4.3.2). For more information, refer to the associated rubric.
You need to compile your results and outcomes in form of a technical report. In your report you should at least have the following sections:
1. Dead loads, including required calculations and results (see Section 3.1).
2.Traffic loads, including required calculations and results (see Section 3.1).
You can break the above sections into subsections if necessary. You can also add sections if needed.
Your report should be professionally written and organised, with correct citation and cross referencing style. You should also abide respect the page limit stated in the unit guide: maximum 10 A4 pages including figures, tables, and appendices.
The minimum formatting requirements for this report are as follows:
1. The report should be typed on A4.
2. Cover page with your name and student ID.
3. Table of content (this can be included on the cover page like this document). 4.Pages should be numbered.
5. Margins should be reasonable, i.e. not smaller than 1 cm or larger than 5 cm on any side.
6. Figures and tables should be numbered and have captions. For figures, captions should be placed below them, and for tables, captions should be placed above them. There shouldn't be a page break between a Table or Figure and its caption.
7. Sections and subsections should be numbered.
Attachment:- Geotechnical investigation and Design.rar