Setting up your worksheets and organizing the data

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Reference no: EM13284559

You currently work for an automotive parts supply store.  Your company is growing and is considering expansion.  The company currently has three locations (North, South, and Central) in one state.  Each parts supply store carries inventory in four categories.  You have been presented with the sales figures for the last three years for each location and inventory category by store.  Based on this information, you're tasked with analyzing current sales for each store by category and overall total sales by store and category.

Note: This is a four part question.

1) Explain your approach to setting up your worksheets and organizing the data.

2) Explain how you will visually represent the data for the total sales of the individual inventory categories for each location for the time periods shown.

3) Explain how you will visually represent the consolidated data for the sales of all stores and all inventory categories for all time periods in one chart or graph.

4) Once you have finished the above tasks, you plan to send the Excel workbook to your manager for evaluation.  Your manger is presenting your findings to the Board of Directors for justification for additional capital expenditures.  The visually representations need to be concise and clear by able to support the requested expenditures.  Explain how you would use the integration features of MS Office to incorporate the Excel information into other presentation media.

Reference no: EM13284559

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