SET11109 Enterprise Computing Assignment

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Reference no: EM132553269

SET11109/11509 Enterprise Computing Assignment - Edinburgh Napier University, UK

The aims of the module are: "To enable the student to design and implement large-scale software systems through emerging software reuse technologies, mainly component-based development.", which are supported with the following learning outcomes:

1. Design a new system with suitable existing software components in an integration-compliant architecture.

2. Construct such a system by integrating the selected components with necessary adaptation, and then test the new system.

3. Achieve more efficient development via design patterns and software product lines.

4. Critically evaluate the most effective reuse technologies for efficient development of large-scale software systems.

Description - You are asked to design and develop a share trader software system. To make the development efficient you must use the component-based development methodology. Optionally, to make the system agile and interoperable, you may adopt microservice-oriented architecture (MSOA). The final deliverable will be a prototype and a report. During your development, you are expected to utilise the advantages of component-based approach and MSOA (optional) to their maximum.

Tasks - The share trader is to be developed with reusable components. Your tasks come from the following stages of component-based software development. Optionally, you may apply (but not required) advanced technologies such as MSOA in your coursework. At each stage, the tasks cover both development and analysis:

1. Component mining: identify potentially reusable components from the sources such as your previous projects, legacy applications, and open source libraries (e.g., and Google code). Interface definition should be done for each component. You need to reuse at least 3 components in your development. Justify the suitability of your selection based on the system requirement, architecture and the interface of the components.

2. Component adaptation: discuss whether there are any mismatches between your pre-qualified components and the current reuse context. Use adequate adaptation techniques to adapt your candidate components if this is necessary.

3. Component integration: build the share trader system by integrating the components into the system. You will need to develop a GUI frontend of the application.

4. Testing your system: test your prototype system with appropriate techniques. You need to discuss how your testing has focused on the special features of component (and MSOA) based systems.

5. Evaluate your new system in respect of its system quality, development cost and time. You need to justify the benefits of component (and MSOA) based development and system. Discuss any drawbacks of your development approach and your new system.

6. MSOA design (Optional): if you are using MSOA, you need to analyse the description of the share trader system, design its MSOA architecture, and identify the possible microservices. Make sure your design follows the principles of MSOA and provides the advantages of MSOA.

The desktop share trader system is expected to be an expandable and adaptive system to accommodate changing business requirements in the future.

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Reference no: EM132553269

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