Set up wireless router at home

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131786904

Assessment item

Packet Tracer loT Smart Home


1. Download the file named Registration Server Packet tracer

2. Take a screenshot for every step given below, then save and label in the file you created in step2

3. Add a registration server and set it up for an loT network:
i Add a registration server
a. Place the Generic server onto the workspace and connect it to the home gateway
b. Find the Generic server In the End Devices Selection box and drag it to the workspace (Select End Devices -> Generic Server)
ii Connect the Registration Server
Using a Copper Straight Through cable, connect the server to the Wireless Router through the cable internet and cable modem
iii Enable the registration server service
Click the Registration Server in the workspace to open the Registration Server configuration window. Click the Services tab
and then click the loT service In the left pane. Click the On button to enable the service
iv Configure the registration server
a Click the Config tab. In the Global Settings window, change the Display Name to StudentID_Name_loT Registration Server (your studentiD and your name followed by Registration Server) and change the DHCP/DNS IPv4 setting from the default Static to DHCP
b Verify that the server has received an IPv4 address from the
Home Gateway by clicking the Desktop tab and then the IP Configuration Icon. (my server IP address Is, yours could be different). Please note your IP address for your server. Close the Registration Server window

4. Register Tablet to the Registration Server
i Click the Tablet icon to open the Config tab. Select Wireless tab from left. Enter HomeNetwork for SSID. Then select WPA2-PSK and enter PSK Pass Phrase as Student ID. AES is automatically chosen for Encryption. If not select AES from drop down menu
ii Click the Web Browser icon in the Desktop tab. Enter the IPv4 address of the Registration Server in the URL box and then click Go
iii Because there is no loT account created yet, one will need to be created. Click the Sign up now option
iv Select a username (your StudentlD) and password (your StudentlD) and then click Create to create the loT account (it is a requirement that you use your StudentlD for both username and password)
v No devices show up under the URL box as we have not set up an loT Server - Devices window there are no loT devices listed. This is because all the devices are still registered with the Home Gateway

5. Set up Wireless Router at home
i Select Config tab then Settings tab on the left. Set Display Name as StudentlD Wireless Router
ii Select Wireless tab from left. Enter HomeNetwork for SSID. Then select WPA2-PSK and enter PSK Pass Phrase as Student ID. AES is automatically chosen for Encryption. If not select AES from drop down menu
iii Follow 6.ii for all end devices (loT) connected to the wireless router

6. Configure the Ceiling Fan to register with your Registration Server
i. Click the Ceiling Fan icon in the workspace to open the device configuration window
ii. Click the I/O Config tab -> Network Adapter -> choose PT-I0T¬NM-1W(This Is a wireless network adapter)
iii. Next Config tab
a. Select Wireless tab from left. Enter HomeNetwork for SSID. Then select WPA2-PSK and enter PSK Pass Phrase as Student ID. AES is automatically chosen for Encryption. If not select AES from drop down menu (as in 6.ii)
b. Select Setting tab from the left, under the Config tab. Set Display Name as Smart Ceiling Fan. Set Gateway/DNS IPV4 to DHCP. Change the loT Server type from Home Gateway to Remote Server. Enter the IP address of the StudentID_Name_loT Registration Server and the created loT account Username (Student ID) and Password (Student ID). Next, click the Connect button. Once connected you will see the Refresh button
iv. Now do step 5.i, you should be able to see the ceiling fan listed under your URL once you log in with username StudentlD and password StudentlD

7. Configure the lamp in the same was as in step 7. Set up the display name as Smart Lamp

8. Configure the door in the same way as step 7. Set up the display name as Smart Door

9. Now click on the Tablet -> Web browser -> Type IP address of the StudentID_Name_loT Registration Server. Log in with your Username and password as set. You should be able to see the lamp and the door listed below.
i. Now change the fan setting from off to low
ii. Change the door setting to lock
iii. Set the lamp setting to dim
iv. Go to each device and select the Attribute tab and take a screenshot

10. Add and Configure Temperature Monitor

11. Add and Configure Wind Detector

12. Add 2 more end devices for a smart home of your choice and configure

13. Now click on the Tablet -> Web browser -> Type IP address of the StudentID_Name_loT Registration Server. Log in with your Username and password as set. You should be able to see the Temperature Monitor and the Wind Detector listed below:
I. Change the Wind Detector set
ii. Note the Current Temperature under Temperature Monitor
iii. Do step 10.iv (Attributes screenshot)

14. Change from Real Time to Simulation mode (you can use Shift + S if required)
i. Select Simple PDU
II. Select the source as Tablet and destination as Remote Server iii. Select Auto Capture/Play under Play Controls
iv. Watch the Simulation Panel
v. Note the Type (ICMP/loT TCP/TCP/HTTP....)
vi. Click on Info (for 2 or 3 types) next to Type (the Info might be in different colours when In Progress or failed and is green when Successful). Take screenshot(s) of the 051 layers functionality for 2 to 3 Info. Take screenshot(s) of Inbound /Outbound PDU details for 2 to 3 Info
vii. Press the Delete button to remove the PDU from the network Ali. Exit Simulation mode to go to Real time mode

15. Change from Logical view to Physical view
i. Select Environments for Home City and select View/Edit
ii. Select KeyFrame Graph, note the Ambient Temperature and take a screenshot
iii. Move the Ambient Temperature from current temperature on the graph and take a screenshot
iv. Switch back to Logical view

16. Go to the Tablet and Enter the URL as before and note all the devices and their properties

17. Embed the student D_Fa. r name_ rrc 5 6 o pkt as an object and display as an icon in the Word document

18. For each step (from Step 4 onwards) screenshots should be taken and included in your Word document

19. References should be included Rationale
This assessment consists of six questions covers the following learning objectives:
- be able to explain and demonstrate various components of Internet of Things (loT);
- be able to analyse the role and importance of loT in the modern world;
- be able to investigate and propose various requirements of loT for real world applications.

Reference no: EM131786904

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12/29/2017 12:42:20 AM

References - You MUST use the CSU APA referencing style for all cited material you have used in your work (use in-text citations). You must use primary sources (ie Wikipedia is not acceptable, something you thought up yourself, because you think you know better, is also unacceptable - unless It has been published and peer reviewed, but then it would still need to be cited). All answers must be written In your own words. Copying sections of text from other sources, even if referenced, is plagiarism and is considered Academic Misconduct.


12/29/2017 12:42:07 AM

NB All your work must be cited (CSU APA), otherwise up to 100• of marks can be deducted. All answers must be written in your own words. Copying sections of text from other sources, even if referenced, is plagiarism and is considered Academic Misconduct. Presentation Your assessment should be submitted in either MS Word or PDF format (PDF usually preserves the formatting, MS Word may not -submit ONLY one). Do not submit your assignment in any other format and also do not submit multiple copies of the assessment. Use A4 page size with Times New Roman/Arial/Calibri font and use font size 11 or 12. Please include a title, your student ID and name with your submission.

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