Set up the environment for the first assignment

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Reference no: EM132617933

Used the following instructions to set up the environment for the first assignment which I submitted last week but totally stuck on this one.


Please download Miniconda (Python3.7) and install it on your local machine.

On Windows, to access conda via the console please use "Anaconda Prompt" or "Anaconda Powershell Prompt" instead of "Command Prompt".


We will be using Python 3.7 and packages like numpy, networkx etc, and we want them to be isolated from any other python projects you might have.

To create a new environment simply run:

conda create --name ai_env python=3.7 -y

Once it's created you can activate it by running:

conda activate ai_env


We will be using multiple python packages throughtout this class, here are some of them:

jupyter - interactive notebook (you will learn more about them soon)
numpy - a package for scientific computing (multi-dimensional array manipulation)
matplotlib - a plotting library
networkx - a package for manipulating networks/graphs
pandas - a package for data analysis
pgmpy - library for probabilistic graphical models

We can install all these packages using command pip install -r requirements.txt. Please navigate to assignment_0/ directory, activate your environment (conda activate ai_env), then run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Once installed, you can run pip freeze to see the list of all of the packages installed in your ai_env environment.


Now that you have setup the environment it's time to learn more about the jupyter notebooks.

We have already installed jupyter, to open it up you can run:

jupyter notebook

It will start a python kernel which you can assess via https://localhost:8888 in your browser, for the rest of the assignment proceed to notebook.ipynb.


You have installed conda package and environment manager, created a python environment and installed all the necessary packages.

Please always remember to run:

conda activate ai_env

to activate your environment before you start working on the assignment.

Attachment:- README file.rar

Reference no: EM132617933

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