Reference no: EM13762421
Provide some examples of how globalization is not working (well).
Provide some examples of how globalization has brought huge benefits.
According to Stiglitz, what is the role of international economic institutions, such as the IMF, World Bank, and WTO, in the successes and failures of globalization.
Explain how varied interests and ideologies have conflicted to result in a set of intellectually incoherent and inconsistent policies.
Explain the circumstances under which global collective action is desirable (and perhaps essential).
To what fact does Stiglitz trace the failures of globalization? Why has this come about?
According to Stiglitz, what is "the most fundamental change that is required to make globalization work in the way that it should"? What are the obstacles to achieving this change?
According to Stiglitz, what is "the most important way to ensure that the international economic institutions are more responsive to the poor, to the environment, to the broader political and social concerns" that he has emphasized?
What problems are associated with secrecy and a lack of transparency?
Explain how and why IMF reform efforts have been insufficient.
List the seven key reforms of the international financial system that Stiglitz proposes. Why are they necessary?
What reforms does Stigltiz suggest for the World Bank and development assistance?
What reforms does Stigltiz suggest for the World Trade Organization?
According to Stiglitz, why should the developed world participate in the reform of the international institutions that govern globalization?
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