Session on workplace diversity at leadership conference

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Reference no: EM132422852


You've been asked to lead a session on workplace diversity at a leadership conference. Identify a company or organization that has a diverse workplace. Explain the practices that are in place to support diversity as an example to start the discussion. Use this example to create an appropriate strategy for identifying and implementing leadership strategies for additional support.

Prepare an 8- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with audio narration that covers the following:

Describe the challenges that come with leading a diverse workforce.

Identify the company you chose.

Assess the practices already in place for supporting diversity.

Determine the skills that leaders need to lead a diverse workforce (e.g.interpersonal skills).

Include your results from the Personal Leadership Evaluation you completed in Week 1. Assess the applicable skills you possess and which ones you lack.

Utilizing the Personal Leadership Evaluation results, explain to your audience how to maximize strengths and improve weaknesses in ways to support diversity in the workplace.

Assess 3 key takeaways that you want the attendees to remember about leadership in a diverse workplace. To build a case on their importance and value to the organization, discuss how implementing these points could impact the bottom line (profits, expenses, and productivity).

Format assignment to APA requirements.

Attachment:- Leadership Styles Assessment Test.rar

Reference no: EM132422852

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