Session in college-level course on leadership

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133490307


What is a preferred topic for the section or session in a college-level course on leadership?

Identify the topic on leadership to be the central theme of the class session. Identify the audience for this class. Detail the learning outcomes you want students to be able to know as the result of your lesson.

Reference no: EM133490307

Questions Cloud

Reflecting on my lived experiences with schooling : Reflecting on my lived experiences with schooling, accessing services, being a student, the goal of working with children and families and in the future
Identify four cognitive behavior : Identify FOUR cognitive behavior assessment techniques demonstrated by Dr. Russ Curtis.
Theoretical elements of change and change management : In the theoretical elements of change and change management in an organization, what are the contributing factors in the organic evolution of change?
Motivating employees through performance incentives : Discuss how performance incentives motivate employees besides the performance incentives Google offers.
Session in college-level course on leadership : What is a preferred topic for the section or session in a college-level course on leadership?
Stage of development : Describe what you would do to avoid injury during this stage of development.
Describe two different ways of knowing : Describe two different ways of knowing. Which of these do you rely on and why?
Racism and racial prejudice that exists : What are some things we can d0 as a society to address some of the racism and racial prejudice that exists in Canada today?
Collaborating with your colleagues : What experiences have you had while collaborating with your colleagues. Was there effective communication, a focus on goal accomplishment, or compromise?


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